Faculty of Sciences leadership appointments for 2019

The Faculty of Sciences leadership team for 2019 has some new faces, with the new associate dean roles announced by Executive Dean Keith Jones this week.
Associate Dean Research
Professor Bronwyn Gillanders, School of Biological Sciences
Bronwyn has been Associate Head Research within the School of Biological Sciences for the past 4 years. She was also previously 6 months in the role to allow the incumbent to take study leave. She has also been Deputy Director of the Environment Institute for the past 5 years. She has strengths and knowledge in research and research training including industry and government engagement.
Associate Dean Learning and Teaching
Professor Amanda Able, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Amanda is an education-specialist, a member of the Education Academy, and the University’s Peer Review College. She has served as a Deputy Head of School (Learning and Teaching), and has been Associate Dean (Curriculum). She has therefore a breadth of knowledge from these activities to bring to the role.
Associate Dean International
Simon is an education-specialist, a member of the Education Academy, and has held for over 10 years the position of Deputy Dean Learning and Teaching within the Faculty. Simon will be able to bring this decade long experience to the global engagement space, and help us grow our international student numbers.
Announcing the appointments, Professor Jones took the opportunity to, “thank Professor Chris Sumby in his role of Deputy Dean Research, Associate Professor Tim Cavagnaro as Deputy Dean International and Professor Simon Pyke for the long standing service as Deputy Dean Learning and Teaching”.
“All three have made major contributions to the running of the Faculty of Sciences and would like to thank them on behalf of the faculty.”
The new appointments will start on 1 January 2019.