Cloning acute lymphoblastic leukaemia fusion genes and variants

Functional characterisation and therapeutic responses

Recent advances in genomic profiling have defined B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukeamia (B-ALL) as a heterogeneous disease with multiple subgroups characterised by distinct genetic alterations. Many genomic lesions in B-ALL are associated with alterations of cytokine receptors or their signaling pathway mediators, transcription factors or regulators of differentiation.

Genomic lesions in ALL patients stratify with prognosis and using transcriptomic analysis, we have identified a number of poorly characterised fusion genes and variants in patients. 

This project aims to clone full-length fusion-genes and gene variants from patient material into mammalian expression plasmids. This will allow in vitro characterisation in cell line models of aberrant signalling pathways that drive disease and assess therapeutic responses. 

This project will involve a range of molecular biology and cloning techniques including primer design, PCR Sanger sequencing, bacterial work, tissue culture and flow cytometry.

Professor Deborah White


Professor Deborah White

Co-supervisorsDr Barbara McClure

Research area: Cancer program - South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute

Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Molecular and Biomedical Science

Tagged in Honours projects - Molecular and biomedical science, Honours projects - Deborah White, Honours projects - Molecular and biomedical science: Biochemistry, Honours projects - Molecular and biomedical science: Microbiology and immunology, Honours projects - Barbara McClure