Ecological & evolutionary genetics of plants, wildlife forensic biology

Work with Professor Andrew Lowe on an research project in ecological and evolutionary genetics of plants and wildlife forensic biology.

  • Developing DNA timber tracking methods for Indonesian meranti
    Co-supervisor: Dr Elly Dormontt
  • Continental biogeography and monitoring - Macro-ecological patterns
    Co-supervisors: Dr Greg Guerin & the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
  • Functional mechanisms involved in community co-existence
    Co-supervisors: Dr Greg Guerin & the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
  • Can seed banks predict community response to climate change? Observational and experimental approaches

Professor Andy Lowe


Professor Andrew Lowe

Co-supervisors: Dr Elly Dormontt | Dr Greg Guerin | Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network

Research area: Ecological and evolutionary genetics of plants, wildlife forensic biology

Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology

Tagged in Honours projects - Evolution and palaeobiology, Honours projects - Ecology and environmental science, Honours projects - Plant science, Honours projects - Agricultural science, Honours projects - Andy Lowe, Honours projects - Eleanor Dormontt, Honours projects - Greg Guerin