Ecology of Koonamore Reserve

Field work environmental science

The Koonamore Vegetation Reserve has been protected from grazing and monitored for nearly 100 years.

In addition to the accumulated information, several research projects require fieldwork including differences in spatial heterogeneity between grazed and ungrazed areas.

About Koonamore Reserve

Terrestrial plant ecologist Jose Facelli


Associate Professor José (Jope) Facelli

Co-supervisors: Dr Evelina Facelli | Dr Jasmin Packer | Dr John Goodfellow | Dr Rob Cirocco

Research area: Terrestrial plant ecology

Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science

Tagged in Honours projects - Ecology and environmental science, Honours projects - Plant science, Honours projects - Agricultural science, Honours projects - Horticulture, Honours projects - Jose Facelli, Honours projects - Evelina Facelli, Honours projects - Jasmin Packer, Honours projects - John Goodfellow, Honours projects - Rob Cirocco