Invasion science & wildlife ecology
Immerse yourself in honours research with the Invasion Science & Wildlife Ecology Group.
The group brings critical analytical techniques to the study of applied ecology, wildlife conservation, and biosecurity risk management; areas characterised by complexity and uncertainty.
Human actions have contributed to pervasive changes in biodiversity at a variety of scales. Many of our projects use vertebrate populations as models for studying the flexibility in behavioural and physiological traits during the invasion (or extinction) process.
In all of our research we endeavour to present and translate our results in exciting and innovative ways.
We collaborate extensively with local and national government environment and biosecurity agencies, non-government conservation organisations, and international wildlife enforcement agencies.
All of our projects will be well-supported logistically, and the development of individual research projects, to match a students’ interests, will be particularly encouraged.
A number of honours projects are available in:
- Global change biology
- Invasive species pest management
- Illegal wildlife trade
- The prioritisation of evidence-based biosecurity decision making.
Suitable candidates should be prepared to undertake a project with both intensive field and quantitative desktop components.
Associate Professor Phillip Cassey
Research area: Invasion science and wildlife ecology
Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science