Models of Hadrons & Hadronic Interactions
While lattice QCD provides by far the best approach to the direct, numerical evaluation of hadronic properties.
In parallel with these lattice calculations, there are important reasons for developing transparent models which can be used to aid the interpretation of lattice results, analyse experimental data and suggest new experiments.
Ideally these models should incorporate, as far as possible, the known properties of QCD, including its symmetries. The model of Nambu and Jona-Lasinio (NJL), for example, provides a covariant framework which respects the chiral properties of QCD while allowing near analytic solutions for many problems.
We are especially interested in using models such as NJL, or even the MIT bag, to calculate hadron properties, to calculate reactions involving hadrons and to build quark models of atomic nuclei.
Of particular topical interest, in the light of major experimental programs around the world, is the calculation of parton distribution functions (of nucleons, hyperons and nuclei), fragmentation functions, generalised parton distributions and novel phenomena such as the Collins and Sivers effects which promise insight into the orbital angular momentum of quarks within hadrons.
Theoretical physics research activities cover a broad range of topics and are primarily carried out under the umbrella of the ARC Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter (CSSM).
- Hrayr Matevosyan | Anthony Thomas | James Zanotti
- Research area: Theoretical physics
- Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Physics