Morphological evolution & adaptation of Australia’s rabbits
This project will investigate the morphological evolution and adaptation of Australia’s rabbits.

Juvenile wild European rabbit grooming - Hanna Knutsson
Researcher Emma Sherratt’s research group broadly encompasses research on morphological evolution of animals.
Research projects in this group are focussed on using sophisticated methods to quantify and capture complex morphological variation of particular structures or whole organisms, to answer questions about the tempo and mode of evolution.
Topics previously covered include deep-time evolution of Anolis lizards, cuckoo egg mimicry, skull shape of various mammals, reptiles and amphibians relating to diet and locomotion, tempo and mode of shell shape in bivalved molluscs, and macroevolution frogs and their tadpoles.
Emma welcomes students interested in morphological evolution of any structures or organisms. If you have an alternate project idea, please contact her to discuss further.

Research area: Morphological evolution of animals
Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Evolution and Palaeobiology