Restoring grassy woodlands: interaction between native & invasive grasses
Contribute to research into various strategies to restore grassy woodland.
This project includes experimental assessment of the performance of native grasses and seedlings of native trees when introduced to former farmland sites.
The approaches can range from molecular - to investigate microbial assemblages - through field based - investigating species interactions.
Study terrestrial plant ecology
Our research focuses on applying ecological knowledge to address management and restoration of natural vegetation.
We focus our work on arid lands and Mediterranean-type environments; the last including woodlands, grasslands and wetlands in the Fleurieu Peninsula.
Our approach always includes a strong conceptual framework and rigorous experimental design to investigate ecological issues ranging from the theoretical to the applied.
Associate Professor José (Jope) Facelli
Co-supervisors: Dr Evelina Facelli | Dr Jasmin Packer | Dr John Goodfellow | Dr Rob Cirocco
Research area: Terrestrial plant ecology
Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Ecology and Environmental Science