Working with animals: Knowledge of delegated legislation in biomedical research

Lab mouse

Rama [CC BY-SA 2.0]

Is knowledge of delegated legislation pervasive and complete among personnel working with animals in research?

Many animal industries operate under a framework of self-governance with detailed operations being guided by delegate legislation such as codes with varying regulatory force dependent on jurisdiction. These documents are also commonly described as a training tool. 

However, it is unclear as to the extent of animal users knowledge of these codes, both in terms of their existence and content. This may especially be so for junior staff. 

This project will use qualitative research methods to determine personnel awareness and knowledge of a range of secondary legislative documents pertaining to the use of animals in research.

Alexandra Whittaker


Dr Alexandra Whittaker

Co-supervisor: Dr Emily Buddle

Research area: Animal law, animal and veterinary sciences, behavioural neuroscience

Recommended honours enrolment: Honours in Animal Science

Tagged in Honours projects - Animal science, Honours projects - Alexandra Whittaker, Honours in Animal Science subtheme - Animal and veterinary bioscience