Professor Derek Abbott made Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia
Congratulations to Professor Derek Abbott from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering who has been made an Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia.
Honorary Fellow is Engineers Australia’s highest membership grade and can only be awarded to and retained by 200 living members of the organisation.
It is conferred on a Fellow of Engineers Australia and whom the Board desires to honour for having rendered conspicuous service to the Australian people or in recognition of outstanding achievement.
About Professor Abbott

Professor Derek Abbott has made significant contributions to biomedical engineering and photonics. He has published over 300 journal articles, has 42 PhD completions and was a 2012 ARC Future Fellow (Level 3).
He has held appointments on the editorial boards of Proceedings of the IEEE, Nature’s Scientific Reports, IEEE Photonics Journal and Royal Society OS. He is currently on the board of IEEE Access and the IEEE Publications Services and Products Board (PSPB). He is Fellow of Engineers Australia, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics, Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK), and Fellow of the IEEE (USA).
Professor Abbott has won several awards including the Stephen Cole the Elder Prize (1999), Tall Poppy Award (2004), David Dewhurst Medal (2015) for biomedical engineering, the Barry Inglis Medal (2018) for measurement science, and the M. A. Sargent Medal (2019) for eminence in engineering.