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Plant nematode-interactions: parasitism and defence

Honours project: Discover how parasitic nematodes affect cereal plant roots and exactly which genes help the plants fight back.
[Read more about Plant nematode-interactions: parasitism and defence]
Nanosatellites and drone geophysics: new technologies for Earth, Moon and Mars

Honours project: Be part of the exciting space exploration program, connecting remote networks of geophysical sensors to satellites.
[Read more about Nanosatellites and drone geophysics: new technologies for Earth, Moon and Mars]
The Proterozoic Planetary Pivot: Oxygen, Snowballs and Metals

Honours project: A MinEx CRC project looking at how sediments of the Adelaide Superbasin record the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event.
[Read more about The Proterozoic Planetary Pivot: Oxygen, Snowballs and Metals ]
The Impact of Fluid Flow on Crustal Radioactivity: Pushing heat around during tectonic reworking

Honours project: Head into the field to analyse natural radioactivity of fluid-altered crust.
The fire down below: Heat generation in the lower crust

Honours project: Help develop a crustal radioactivity model using pieces of rock brought to the surface and trapped in lavas.
[Read more about The fire down below: Heat generation in the lower crust]
Genes controlling seed development

Honours project: Participate in a plant breeding project on dissecting the MADS-box interactome during barley ovule and seed development.
Sensing and Spectroscopy

Honours projects: Accurate knowledge of optical parameters is becoming increasingly important for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications.
Compositional controls on physical properties: new constraints from laboratory measurements

Honours projects: Improve predictive models of density and thermal conductivity to improve geophysical models by making new lab measurements.
2020 Research awards
Each year, the faculty rewards researchers who show outstanding achievements in their fields.
Apply for Engineering internships starting early January

Internships enable you to develop connections with prospective employers through a range of practical projects, internships and industry-led teaching.
[Read more about Apply for Engineering internships starting early January]