New Industry PhD opportunity with SEAS-NVE Holding A/S
Join this exciting new project to develop/test/verify an optimal bidding engine for an aggregator that can collect a sufficient amount of increased welfare, essential for developing a viable business model and investment in infrastructure.

It is a revolutionary platform that is hoped to facilitate larger amounts of renewable integration into the grid and provides a secure environment for larger adoption of electric vehicles.
Three major research problems are identified in collaboration with SEAS-NVE to develop the first version of Flexibility Aggregator Simulation Platform (FRESNO).
The three projects will be conducted simultaneously and in close collaboration with each other.
Who are we looking for?
Candidates with a degree (preferably a master’s degree) in electrical engineering, computer science, operations research, and applied mathematics are encouraged to apply. We are looking for candidates with proven skills and knowledge in:
- Power system operation and integration of renewable generation (preferred)
- Stochastic optimisation, statistics and probabilities, preferably with applications to power system
- Electricity market
- Programming in Python or MATLAB
This project is open to both international and domestic students who are currently onshore in Australia and are able to commence the PhD by 31 March 2021.
The successful applicant may receive a scholarship of approximately $38,092 tax free per annum. This consists of a University funded Research Training Program Scholarship of $28,092 per annum (2020 rate), alongside an Industry Partner Scholarship of $10,000 per annum.
Applications close Sunday 28 February 2021.
About the UAiPhD
The UAiPhD is an innovative 4 year program, which includes completion of a 6 month industry placement.
As a PhD student, you will have the opportunity to work on an industry problem, while being supported by a University of Adelaide supervisor and an industry supervisor for the duration of the program.