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Lab2Lab grant awarded to UofA researcher

Associate Professor Mathias Baumert from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in collaboration with Professor Hagen Malberg and Dr Martin Schmidt (Dresden), were awarded a Lab2Lab grant by the Graduate Academy of Technical University Dresden, one of Germany's top universities for engineering.
Scientists use koala teeth to map Adelaide's history

Scientists are using koala teeth to learn how Adelaide was settled by Europeans.
[Read more about Scientists use koala teeth to map Adelaide's history]
Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety

Soil experts warn of increasing human intake of cadmium due to changes in soil conditions.
[Read more about Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety]
Virtual Short-Term Exchange Programs

Although student travel won’t be possible in the second half of 2021, students can still apply for virtual short-term exchange programs happening this Winter School.
Uni of Adelaide experts recognised for science excellence

University of Adelaide scientists recognised at the SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards.
[Read more about Uni of Adelaide experts recognised for science excellence]
UofA student joins Top100 Future Leaders list

Congratulations to Master of Construction Management student Kavita Bhandari who was recently labelled one of the Top 100 Graduate Leaders of Australia in the GradConnection Top 100 competition.
[Read more about UofA student joins Top100 Future Leaders list]
Discovery Parks Graduate Development Program 2021
G’Day Group is looking for enthusiastic new associates to join our company via the 2021 Graduate Development Program.
[Read more about Discovery Parks Graduate Development Program 2021]
Tectonic time-lapse: One billion years of Earth’s history in 40 seconds

Adelaide scientists are part of an international research team that has published the first full tectonic plate reconstruction of the last billion years.
[Read more about Tectonic time-lapse: One billion years of Earth’s history in 40 seconds]
International Day of Women and Girls in Science Profile: Eunice Yuwono

In honour of International Day of Women and Girls in Science on Thursday 11 February 2021, we've profiled a student from our School of Mathematical Sciences.
[Read more about International Day of Women and Girls in Science Profile: Eunice Yuwono]
High CO2 to slow tropical fish move to cooler waters

Ocean acidification predicted under continuing high CO2 emissions may make cooler, temperate waters less welcoming to tropical fish.
[Read more about High CO2 to slow tropical fish move to cooler waters]