Women in STEM National Innovation Games
Join the Western Women in STEM National Innovation Games, a hack-a-thon inspired innovation Challenge co-funded by the Australian Government and Western Sydney University.
Work with businesses to develop tangible solutions to support women of all ages in overcoming the barriers to STEM-related careers. No prior experience or skills
required, we welcome all with a willingness to contribute!
The Western Women in STEM National Innovation Games will be held virtually on Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 May, 2021.
We're calling for students, graduates and PhDs from education institutions Australia-wide to register now on paddl.com. It is completely free and open to students of all disciplines and levels.
Through a series of facilitated design sprints, teams collaborate and innovate following a simple Paddl design thinking process. Teams develop practical solutions for the participating businesses focusing on: “Overcoming the barriers for women in STEM”. Each team presents their ideas and solutions to a judging panel in a competition to win prizes.
Registrations close Friday 7 May 2021.