Graduation applications: Semester 2 2021
If you intend to graduate in the Semester 2, 2021 Conferral Round (ceremony May 2022), you'll find all of the information and dates you need below.

Overview of graduation dates and deadlines for Semester 2 2021 conferral
- Wednesday 29 September 2021: Applications for Semester 2 2021 conferral of award open
- Friday 29 October 2021: Practical experience submission deadline
- Monday 29 November 2021: Application for Semester 2 2021 conferral of award close
- Thursday 2 December 2021: Grades released. (RAA grades are not due to be released until 21 December – students may not be eligible to graduate in this round)
- Thursday 16 December 2021: Last day for Faculties to submit assessment to Graduations office by 10am
- Thursday 16 December 2021: Graduation status letters released in Access Adelaide at ~2pm
- Friday 17 – Wednesday 22 December 2021: Anomalies week
- This is an opportunity to
- resolve any issue preventing you from conferral
- change any name details or award details for your conferral and testamur
- Wednesday 22 December 2021: 10am – anomalies deadline
- This is an opportunity to
- Thursday 23 December 2021: Digital transcript and AHEGS issued via My eQuals by 5pm
- Dated 31 December 2021: Conferral line placed on transcript
Graduation applications open
Applications to graduate open Wednesday 29 September 2021.
If you have not yet submitted your Practical Experience Approval Application, now is the time to do so to ensure that it is approved in time for completion. The deadline to submit is Friday 29 October 2021.
All students: you must check your inbox for an email titled “Critical information regarding your program status and graduation - required before Monday 1st November 2021”.
If you need any assistance with either the graduation process or your practical experience submission please email us at
Graduation applications close
Applications for the Semester 2, 2021 Conferral Round (Ceremony May 2022) will close on Monday 29 November 2021.
Before this date, you should have already submitted your practical experience (by 29 October 2021).
All students: By now you should have responded to our important email request for information: “Critical information regarding your program status and graduation - required before Monday 1st November 2021”.
If you need any assistance with either the graduation process or your practical experience submission please email us at
Graduation application statuses released
Graduation statuses will be released in Access Adelaide Thursday 16 December 2021(~2pm).
If you have received an ineligible status there may be several reasons:
- You have not completed and/or submitted your Practical Experience -you should have received a confirmation email upon approval.
- You have a Replacement Examination.
- You have not completed the Academic Requirements of your program.
- You have a Negative Service Indicator (an account outstanding).
- An Error has occurred
What to do:
- Don’t panic. AskECMS has until Thursday Tuesday 21st December 2021 to rectify any anomalies identified. Or you can apply for Summer 2022 Conferral.
- Send an email to with the subject heading “Ineligible to graduate”. If you needed to address any issues please tell us what action you have taken. If you are unaware why you would ineligible to graduate please advise us and we will investigate it for you.
More information
If you need assistance or require more information, please contact Ask ECMS or visit the graduations website.