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DNA traceability tools to help determine timber 'roots'

Researchers at the University of Adelaide in partnership with InterpreData and DoubleHelix Tracking Technologies, Singapore, have been awarded a $500,000 grant from the Commonwealth Government’s Global Innovation Linkages Program to develop scientific origin verification tools for global timber supply chains.
[Read more about DNA traceability tools to help determine timber 'roots']
Researchers on the hunt for missing critical minerals

Researchers on the hunt for why cold eclogites mysteriously disappeared from geological records during the early stages of the Earth’s development may have found the answer, and with it clues that could help locate critical minerals today.
[Read more about Researchers on the hunt for missing critical minerals]
Breakthrough AgTech to improve lamb meat quality

In the sheep meat industry, the amount of intramuscular fat is a key indicator of eating quality, but can be particularly difficult to measure in lamb carcases, which are not individually graded.. until now.
[Read more about Breakthrough AgTech to improve lamb meat quality]
Regional communities take action to increase drought resilience

Hundreds of South Australian primary producers, industry representatives and regional community members have had their say about their priorities for building resilience to future droughts.
[Read more about Regional communities take action to increase drought resilience]