Women in EEE with electronic engineer Trish White
Held 14 October, the second Women in EEE (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) networking event was a great success.

L-R: Anna Cernev, Prof Neslon Tansu, Trish White and Georgia Kappos
With over 40 students across all genders in attendance, electronic engineer Ms Trish White spoke about her experiences as an accomplished engineer, and gave advice for a successful career in this industry.
Ms White is a former Minister in the SA Government, and is currently holding a number of titles, including Director of Slingsby Taylor, non-executive Director of Engineers Australia, Flinders Port Holdings, Office of National Rail Safety Regulator, Industry 4.0 Advance Manufacturing Forum and she is also the Interim CEO of the Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition Cooperative Research Centre.
After her presentation, students Anna Cernev and Georgia Kappos, along with Professor Neslon Tansu, Head of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, fielded a Q&A session with Ms White.
Keep an eye out for details for the next Women in EEE event!