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Exploring the core of supernovae using gravitational wave observations

Honours project: this project involves producing simulated populations, injecting them in read data, reconstruct the events with cWB and investigating which distributional test performs better in detecting the population.
[Read more about Exploring the core of supernovae using gravitational wave observations]
Intensity noise suppression of mid-infrared lasers for gravitational wave lasers

Honours project: this project will investigate the intensity fluctuations of these lasers for the first time and design stabilization systems to ensure that these lasers meet the exacting requirements of the latest upgrades to gravitational wave detectors.
[Read more about Intensity noise suppression of mid-infrared lasers for gravitational wave lasers]
Sub quantum noise limited position sensors for gravitational wave detectors

Honours project: in this project you will investigate a new laser-based position detector that will hopefully surpass these limits and allow the low frequency performance of gravitational wave detectors to improved.
[Read more about Sub quantum noise limited position sensors for gravitational wave detectors]
Understanding the function of GIPCs in barley root adaptation to salinity
Honours project
The honours student will profile barley GIPCs using sphingolipidomics. They will also use CRIPSR/Cas9 gene editing to develop a barley line with an altered GIPC glycan headgroup, for comparison to the Arabidopsis mutant.
[Read more about Understanding the function of GIPCs in barley root adaptation to salinity]
Comparison of root traits in old and new wheat genotypes

Plant physiologists have studied the single plant, and agronomists have looked at the whole crop, but the plant within the community has scarcely been investigated. Whilst evolution favours competitive phenotypes, agriculture selects for phenotypes with lower competitive ability or a communal behaviour.
[Read more about Comparison of root traits in old and new wheat genotypes]
Is there a link between embryo size, root architecture and drought stress in barley?
Developing crops that can withstand hot and dry climates is becoming increasingly important worldwide.
Alternative crops for dryland farming systems
Crop-growing regions experience increasingly dryer and warmer climates, and more lands are becoming hostile to any crop currently cultivated.
[Read more about Alternative crops for dryland farming systems]
Stomatal traits for water-use efficient crops
Water is the cost of our food. Understanding how plants use available water and convert it to food even in harsh environments is essential to develop resilient crops.
[Read more about Stomatal traits for water-use efficient crops]
Could Covid-style PCR tests be used to screen for herbicide resistance?

Honours project: This project will involve the design of PCR assays to aid in rapid, field based screening for herbicide resistance in weeds.
[Read more about Could Covid-style PCR tests be used to screen for herbicide resistance?]
Seed size variation in chickpea and lentil
Seed size is highly variable in most agricultural crops and affects crop productivity and quality.
[Read more about Seed size variation in chickpea and lentil]