News: genetics + Genetics

Letting faeces provide the facts

Tahlia Perry SA Science Awards

Known in the scientific world as scat or faeces, poo can give a lot of very important information about an animal. This explains why Dr Tahlia Perry called on people nationwide to send her some.

[Read more about Letting faeces provide the facts]

Citizens recruited to unlock the secret lives of echidnas

Echidna takes a drink from a bird bath on Peter Hastwell's property. Photo credit: Peter Hastwell of Kangaroo Island.

The largest ever number of echidna sightings across Australia will aid in the conservation of this iconic mammal.

[Read more about Citizens recruited to unlock the secret lives of echidnas]

Is energy the key to Alzheimer’s disease?


A team of researchers at the University of Adelaide has found a link between the way that cells produce energy for brain function and the mutated genes found in Alzheimer’s disease.

[Read more about Is energy the key to Alzheimer’s disease?]

Engineering a virus: What is gain of function research?

Genetics lab

Interview with researcher A/Prof Michael Beard about gain-of-function research, a technique used in virology and genetics to alter the function of a virus.

[Read more about Engineering a virus: What is gain of function research?]

DNA tracking of timber to increase forest sustainability and integrity

A teak tree is sampling in Laos - Photo by Double Helix Tracking Technologies

University of Adelaide scientists have created a DNA fingerprint map to link teak timber back to its plantation of origin and help reduce the $40 billion illicit trade of timber in the Asia Pacific region.

[Read more about DNA tracking of timber to increase forest sustainability and integrity]

New genetic biocontrol research to help prevent mice plagues

Paul Thomas microscope

Scientists are partnering with the CSIRO and the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions to fine new solutions to control mice populations.

[Read more about New genetic biocontrol research to help prevent mice plagues]

Scientists use DNA testing to help reduce the illegal export of endangered medicine tree

Cameroon forest aerial photo

The Advanced DNA Identification and Forensics Facility is helping reduce the illegal export of timber, by testing for genetic variation between populations of the endangered African Cherry tree.

[Read more about Scientists use DNA testing to help reduce the illegal export of endangered medicine tree]

Don’t focus on genetic diversity to save our species

Once found throughout the semi-arid range country in South Australia, New South Wales and south-west Queensland, the yellow-footed rock wallaby is now endangered in Queensland and NSW and vulnerable in SA. Image by Philip Barrington from Pixabay.

Scientists have challenged the common assumption that genetic diversity of a species is a key indicator of extinction risk.

[Read more about Don’t focus on genetic diversity to save our species]

Genomics milestone: Scientists uncover genomes of platypus and echidna

Echidna CSI

University of Adelaide scientists have produced the first ever echidna genome and a greatly improved, high-quality platypus genome sequence.

[Read more about Genomics milestone: Scientists uncover genomes of platypus and echidna]

$7m boost for sciences research

Researcher photo Linda Armbrecht

ARC Discovery projects showcase the dynamic breadth of sciences research at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about $7m boost for sciences research]

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