News: Honours Projects - David Ottaway
Exploring the core of supernovae using gravitational wave observations

Honours project: this project involves producing simulated populations, injecting them in read data, reconstruct the events with cWB and investigating which distributional test performs better in detecting the population.
[Read more about Exploring the core of supernovae using gravitational wave observations]
Intensity noise suppression of mid-infrared lasers for gravitational wave lasers

Honours project: this project will investigate the intensity fluctuations of these lasers for the first time and design stabilization systems to ensure that these lasers meet the exacting requirements of the latest upgrades to gravitational wave detectors.
[Read more about Intensity noise suppression of mid-infrared lasers for gravitational wave lasers]
Sub quantum noise limited position sensors for gravitational wave detectors

Honours project: in this project you will investigate a new laser-based position detector that will hopefully surpass these limits and allow the low frequency performance of gravitational wave detectors to improved.
[Read more about Sub quantum noise limited position sensors for gravitational wave detectors]
Environmental Luminescence

Honours projects: The Environmental Luminescence group studies a range of real-world problems requiring the detection of ultra-low levels of light, of relevance to Environmental Monitoring, Quaternary Geology, Archaeology, Palaeontology, Earth Sciences, and Defence and National Security.
Advanced LIGO Detector Characterisation & CW Astrophysics
Honours project: This project provides the opportunity to work on continuous-wave (CW) searches and advanced LIGO detector characterisation as part of the OzGrav Centre of Excellence.
[Read more about Advanced LIGO Detector Characterisation & CW Astrophysics]
Computational Models of Lasers for Future Gravitational Wave Detectors
Honours project: This project provides the opportunity to adapt an advanced set of modelling tools to predict the performance of 2µm lasers and help optimise their performance.
[Read more about Computational Models of Lasers for Future Gravitational Wave Detectors]
Cloud Studies Using High Power Eye-Safe Laser Radar
Honours project: This project explores the use of blended control strategies to optimise the performance of advanced lasers.
[Read more about Cloud Studies Using High Power Eye-Safe Laser Radar]
High Brightness Single Frequency Mid-Infrared Lasers
Honours project: This project explores the use of blended control strategies to optimise the performance of advanced lasers.
[Read more about High Brightness Single Frequency Mid-Infrared Lasers]
Multiplexed Extreme Temperature Sensing with Fibres
Honours projects: Accurate knowledge of optical parameters is becoming increasingly important for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications.
[Read more about Multiplexed Extreme Temperature Sensing with Fibres]
Exploiting Laser Threshold for High Sensitivity Biochemical Sensing
Honours projects: Accurate knowledge of optical parameters is becoming increasingly important for a wide range of scientific and industrial applications.
[Read more about Exploiting Laser Threshold for High Sensitivity Biochemical Sensing]