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Optical fibres in space for high bandwidth and black hole detection

International Space Station - Image by NASA

Honours project: Explore the creation of high-purity glass aboard the International Space Station to unlock internet bandwidth limits and improve gravitational wave detectors.

[Read more about Optical fibres in space for high bandwidth and black hole detection]

Koala health and disease in South Australia

Koala Health Research Group - Goldie

Honours project: Join the Koala Health Research Group and contribute to key research to improve the health of current and future animal populations.

[Read more about Koala health and disease in South Australia]

Improving salt tolerance in grapevines

Viticulture student

Honours project: Investigate the movement of salt and water in grapevines in order to understand the effect of salinity on growth.

[Read more about Improving salt tolerance in grapevines]

Understanding T cells in autoimmune disease

Honours Iain Comerford Fig X

Honours project: Investigate transcriptional control of inflammatory T helper cells in autoimmunity.

[Read more about Understanding T cells in autoimmune disease]

Impact of thermal environment and melatonin on animal body temperature and reproduction


Honours project: Research opportunities are available to investigate how body temperature variation in pigs and sheep impact reproduction.

[Read more about Impact of thermal environment and melatonin on animal body temperature and reproduction]

Advanced research in plant hormones

Philip Brewer

Honours project: Contribute to new research on ways to make plants more resilient.

[Read more about Advanced research in plant hormones]

Saving megafauna from bacteria

A skeleton of a Marsupial Lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) in the Victoria Fossil Cave, Naracoorte Caves National Park Karora, Public domain

Honours projects: Identify and image biofilms that threaten the Naracoorte Caves National Park fossils.

[Read more about Saving megafauna from bacteria]

Snake venom proteins


Honours project: Gain new insights into higher order protein structures in selected snake venoms.

[Read more about Snake venom proteins]

Use of local anaesthesia for lamb marking

Numnuts lamb marking Avington Merino Stud

Honours project: Evaluate the efficacy and adoption of Numnuts, a local anaesthetic used on sheep.

[Read more about Use of local anaesthesia for lamb marking]

Evaluating vaccine response in sheep

Colin Trengove lamb ewe wide

Honours project: Evaluate the efficacy of a Mycoplasma vaccine to produce an immune response in sheep.

[Read more about Evaluating vaccine response in sheep]