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Deep learning for better cellular imaging

Malaria biology imaging - Danny Wilson

Honours project: Help improve the imaging capabilities of scientists studying infection and reproductive biology.

[Read more about Deep learning for better cellular imaging]

Crustal evolution through the lens of apatite crystals

Histogram for Global Detrital Zircon

Honours project: Contribute to the development of a new archive of the evolution of the continents.

[Read more about Crustal evolution through the lens of apatite crystals ]

Phylogeography and conservation genetics of Australian birds and mammals, including night parrots, wombats and quolls

ADIFF dna testing 2

Honours project: Use DNA sampled through space and time to understand the evolution and conservation genetics of Australian birds and mammals.

[Read more about Phylogeography and conservation genetics of Australian birds and mammals, including night parrots, wombats and quolls]

Developing a forensic mitochondrial DNA database for human identification

ADIFF dna testing

Honours project: Learn with the experts who are developing new genomics techniques for human identification.

[Read more about Developing a forensic mitochondrial DNA database for human identification]

Advanced yeast for challenging bioprocesses

Vladimir Jiranek researcher photo

Honours project: Test new and improved yeast strains to advanced winemaking and other biotechnology processes.

[Read more about Advanced yeast for challenging bioprocesses]

Molecular diet analysis of bent-winged bats

bent-winged bats

Honours project: Explore the diet of bent-winged bats through conservation genetics and forensic biology.

[Read more about Molecular diet analysis of bent-winged bats]

Structural study of misfolding proteins

An illustration of the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease - BruceBlaus / CC BY-SA

Honours project: Investigate the structural characterisation of protein misfolding in amyloid diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

[Read more about Structural study of misfolding proteins]

Probing the ionosphere using radio signals

Honours project:  Evaluate the utility of software defined radio (SDR) for providing low-cost ionospheric sounder receivers.

[Read more about Probing the ionosphere using radio signals]

Understanding pollination processes between bees and flowers

Bee flower image

Honours project: Investigate the molecular basis of extrorse anther outcrossing mechanism in flowering plants.

[Read more about Understanding pollination processes between bees and flowers]

It’s space water, but not as we know it

Full moon. Image: Gregory H. Revera, CC BY-SA 3.0

Honours projects: Explore laser-induced fluorescence of water and aqueous minerals for space applications.

[Read more about It’s space water, but not as we know it]