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How climate change impacts fish populations

A damselfish at the volcanic seep in New Zealand.

Honours project: Gain an understanding of how ocean acidification will affect the behaviour and physiology of fish species.

[Read more about How climate change impacts fish populations]

Wildlife conservation, plant-animal interactions and restoration ecology

Wildlife conservation biology

Honours project: Work with scientists in terrestrial ecology and behaviour to providing research outcomes that facilitate the management, conservation and restoration of biodiversity.

[Read more about Wildlife conservation, plant-animal interactions and restoration ecology]

Environmental monitoring with drones: Remote sensing

Scientists from the Unmanned Research Aircraft Facility

Honours project: Integrating / calibrating moderate resolution Landsat spectral data with extremely high resolution imaging.

[Read more about Environmental monitoring with drones: Remote sensing]

Do plants need to sleep?

Plant science laboratory work

Honours project: There's evidence in some plants that lack of a dark period can inhibit growth - so do plants need sleep?

[Read more about Do plants need to sleep?]

Conservation genetics & biodiversity of Western Australian sea snakes

Honours project: Explore the conservation genetics and biodiversity of Western Australian sea snakes.

[Read more about Conservation genetics & biodiversity of Western Australian sea snakes]

From land to sea - the visual evolution of elapid snakes

Olive sea snake

Honours project: Conduct research into the evolution of venomous snakes and their transition from land to sea.

[Read more about From land to sea - the visual evolution of elapid snakes]

Using metal-organic frameworks to understand catalysis

Chris Sumby Catalysis Figure

Honours project: Insights into industrial catalysis and x-ray crystallography in metal-organic frameworks.

[Read more about Using metal-organic frameworks to understand catalysis]

Metal-organic Frameworks as Chemical Reaction Flasks

Chris Sumby Synthesis Figure

Honours project:

[Read more about Metal-organic Frameworks as Chemical Reaction Flasks]

Genome biology & mammal gene evolution

Echidna research

Honours project: Examine the function and evolution of genes involved in sex determination and placentation in mammals.

[Read more about Genome biology & mammal gene evolution]

Investigating the origin of mammal sex chromosomes

Platypus image - Image courtesy of Matt Chan

Honours project: Undertake a research project that investigates the origin of therian sex chromosomes

[Read more about Investigating the origin of mammal sex chromosomes]