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CSER Report: A Review of Computer Science Education Resources

This research project involved the development of a semi-systematic review to identify, categorise and assess available computer science education resources for students and teachers that are suitable for use with the Australian Curriculum: Technologies.

[Read more about CSER Report: A Review of Computer Science Education Resources]

Research Contract: Coding Across the Curriculum – Curriculum Mapping and Analysis

The Coding Across the Curriculum research project involves the development of a semi-systematic review to identify, categorise and assess available offline and online computer science resources for students and teachers that are suitable for use with the Technologies learning area.

[Read more about Research Contract: Coding Across the Curriculum – Curriculum Mapping and Analysis]

Research Grant: Automated Analysis of MOOC Discussion Content to Support Personalised Learning, K. Falkner, Google MOOC Focused Research Awards. ($50,000 US) (2015-2016)

Discussion forums or communities form a significant component of many MOOCs and the interaction between MOOC participants is essential in assisting their learning. However, participants reportedly struggle with the overwhelming abundance of information and the requirement of self-directed learning common within MOOC environments, making it difficult to identify useful discussion content and contribute effectively.

[Read more about Research Grant: Automated Analysis of MOOC Discussion Content to Support Personalised Learning, K. Falkner, Google MOOC Focused Research Awards. ($50,000 US) (2015-2016)]

CSER Papers in the Research in Learning Technology Special Issue

The special issue of Research in Learning Technology has been released with two papers by CSER members. The first is based on the work on MOOCs for teacher professional development in computing curriculum and Rebecca’s work on social media. The special issue is edited by Dr Steven Verjans, Dr Lesley Gourley and Dr Meg O’Reilly.

[Read more about CSER Papers in the Research in Learning Technology Special Issue]

Sponsorship Contract: Addressing the Challenge of the Digital Technologies Curriculum (Years 7 & 8)

CSER have paired up with Digital Careers and Google in a sponsorship agreement to fund the development of a MOOC designed to support teachers of years 7 & 8 in implementing the new Digital Technologies Curriculum, building on our previous work in developing the CSER MOOC for Foundation-6.

[Read more about Sponsorship Contract: Addressing the Challenge of the Digital Technologies Curriculum (Years 7 & 8)]

Research Contract: Building Digital Technologies Capacity

CSER are continuing their collaborative relationship with Google Australia and New Zealand in a research contract to develop further MOOC support for Australian primary school teachers for Foundation-6.

[Read more about Research Contract: Building Digital Technologies Capacity]

Professor Tony Thomas is SA Scientist of the Year

Dr Anthony Thomas

University of Adelaide leading particle physicist Professor Anthony (Tony) Thomas is South Australian Scientist of the Year for 2014.

[Read more about Professor Tony Thomas is SA Scientist of the Year]

Research Grant: Addressing the Challenges of the Digital Technologies Curriculum

The Addressing the Challenges of the Digital Technologies Curriculum research project will assist teachers in primary and secondary schools to meet the challenges introduced by the new Australian National Curriculum Digital Technologies curriculum.

[Read more about Research Grant: Addressing the Challenges of the Digital Technologies Curriculum]

Ace 2014: The Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum: Challenge and Opportunity

The ACE conference is a fantastic conference for sharing ideas with our local CS education community. I always learn so much when I attend, and so I am particularly pleased that our paper on the new Digital Technology curriculum in Australian has been accepted for the upcoming conference in Auckland next year.

[Read more about Ace 2014: The Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum: Challenge and Opportunity]

Koli Calling: Papers Accepted!

CSER are off to Finland! We are very excited to have had two papers accepted for the Koli Calling conference later this year. Koli Calling is one of the highest quality conferences in the area of CS education research, with a strong emphasis on rigorous education research methods. It will be a fantastic opportunity to present our work, and discuss further ideas and projects.

[Read more about Koli Calling: Papers Accepted!]