Roseworthy campus celebrates 20 years of animal science

The University of Adelaide has celebrated 20 years of teaching animal science at Roseworthy campus.
Year 2000 marked the relocation of viticulture and oenology teaching to Waite campus, and the animal science degree to Roseworthy campus. Since then, more than 450 students have graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Animal Science).
Roseworthy is now home to more than 900 students studying across diverse areas of animal and veterinary sciences.
“We’re excited to celebrate the milestone of 20 years of animal science at Roseworthy, and look forward to continuing our world-class education and training of future scientists,” says Professor Wayne Hein, Dean of Roseworthy and Head, School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences.
The anniversary was celebrated on campus with a small event which included current and past staff and students and alumni.
“It was wonderful to see the camaraderie of the different groups through the years gathering together after, what has been for some, many years,” says Professor Hein.
Former Director of Roseworthy campus Professor Phil Hynd gave an interesting, informative and humorous insight of life pre- and post-Roseworthy and the successes and challenges they encountered through the years.
Professor Wayne Pitchford and Dr David Taplin also contributed some of their memories from throughout the past two decades.
Donation of historic veterinary equipment
Dale Manson from the Roseworthy Old Collegians' Association (ROCA) formally presented some historic veterinary instruments to the school, which had been generously donated by alumnus Dr Alf Humble and Dr Jack Reddin.
Dr Humble graduated from Roseworthy Agricultural College in 1940 before joining the RAAF during World War II. After the war, he studied veterinary medicine at the University of Sydney.
Known as Australia's first-ever ‘flying vet’, Dr Humble turned 100 years old last year after a veterinary career servicing rural and remote communities via light aircraft. He donated his lifetime collection of rare veterinary instruments to the University of Adelaide for future veterinarians to learn of the profession's history.
Upon hearing of Dr Humble's generous donation, Dr Reddin also offered his own extensive collection of rare and historic veterinary instruments.
Dr Reddin was a 1962 agricultural graduate of Roseworthy campus, who then went on to study veterinary medicine. Dr Reddin retired in 2001 after more than three decades in the veterinary profession.