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Understanding pollination processes between bees and flowers

Bee flower image

Honours project: Investigate the molecular basis of extrorse anther outcrossing mechanism in flowering plants.

[Read more about Understanding pollination processes between bees and flowers]

Deep learning for better cellular imaging

Malaria biology imaging - Danny Wilson

Honours project: Help improve the imaging capabilities of scientists studying infection and reproductive biology.

[Read more about Deep learning for better cellular imaging]

What goes down, must come up?


Honours project: Explore the chemistry of magma to trace what the inputs to volcanoes are at depth.

[Read more about What goes down, must come up?]

It’s space water, but not as we know it

Full moon. Image: Gregory H. Revera, CC BY-SA 3.0

Honours projects: Explore laser-induced fluorescence of water and aqueous minerals for space applications.

[Read more about It’s space water, but not as we know it]

The Curnamona Cube


Honours projects: Fly across remote Australia in a helicopter, for one of the world's biggest geophysical science projects.

[Read more about The Curnamona Cube]

Nutrition & collective movement in the Australian plague locust

Australian plague locusts

Honours project: Investigate the movement of plague locusts using laboratory and field experiments.

[Read more about Nutrition & collective movement in the Australian plague locust]

Saving megafauna from bacteria

A skeleton of a Marsupial Lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) in the Victoria Fossil Cave, Naracoorte Caves National Park Karora, Public domain

Honours projects: Identify and image biofilms that threaten the Naracoorte Caves National Park fossils.

[Read more about Saving megafauna from bacteria]

Quantum Field Theory

Honours projects: Projects can be phenomenological or mathematical in character, or the focus may be on technique.

[Read more about Quantum Field Theory]

Complex Systems

Honours projects: Projects focused on complex systems which are are typically comprised of a large number of interconnected components which interact collectively, leading to emergent behaviour, such as self-organisation, which is not apparent from the properties of the underlying components.

[Read more about Complex Systems]

Fossils under a new light

Fossil front visible image Georgios Tsiminis

Honours projects: Use new fluorescence imaging techniques to analyse fossils that range in age from half-a-billion to some tens of thousands of years old.

[Read more about Fossils under a new light]

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