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Global change ecology and conservation

Polar bear

Honours project: Various projects are available global change ecology; climate change, macroecology, planetary health and conservation biogeography.

[Read more about Global change ecology and conservation]

Ancient DNA from extinct fauna

Adzebill skeleton on display in the Canterbury Museum, New Zealand

Honours project: Analyse genomic data from animal remains that are hundreds to tens-of-thousands of years old.

[Read more about Ancient DNA from extinct fauna]

Megafaunal evolution and extinction

Climate change wiped out the 'Siberian unicorn'

Honours project: Explore the evolution and extinction of megafauna such as dire wolves, mammoths and Tasmanian tigers.

[Read more about Megafaunal evolution and extinction]

How do native plants affect the supply of phosphorus to soils?

Blue Mountains Ashlea Doolette

Honours project: Assess the role of native plants in the supply of phosphorus to soils.

[Read more about How do native plants affect the supply of phosphorus to soils?]

How will the trees of urban Adelaide respond to climate change?

Waite campus aerial photo

Honours project: Assist with the strategic future of the Waite Arboretum, a valuable resource for local, national, and international urban planning.

[Read more about How will the trees of urban Adelaide respond to climate change?]

Can we create nutritious and sustainable yoghurt from legumes?

Broad beans by Chris Reading from Pixabay

Honours project: Faba bean is a nutrient dense and drought tolerant legume crop with a great potential as a sustainable protein source.

[Read more about Can we create nutritious and sustainable yoghurt from legumes?]

Can the novel IVOS biosensor diagnose mastitis in dairy cows?

Cow udder by  Thanks for your Like • donations welcome from Pixabay

Honours project: Validate a novel biosensor as a potential diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows.

[Read more about Can the novel IVOS biosensor diagnose mastitis in dairy cows?]

What hare is it there? Genetic diversity of Australia’s invasive hares

Lepus europaeus by Jean-Jacques Boujot from Paris, France

Honours project: Help uncover the morphological variation that allows rapid adaptive evolution in two invasive species, the rabbit and hare.

[Read more about What hare is it there? Genetic diversity of Australia’s invasive hares]

Muscular anatomy of rabbits and hares

European rabbits by CSIRO

Honours project: Hopping versus running - study the comparative muscular architecture and biomechanics of rabbits and hares.

[Read more about Muscular anatomy of rabbits and hares]

Can graphene and cement stop PFAS from contaminating our environment?

Australia PFAS map

Honours project: Evaluate the leaching behaviour of PFAS from contaminated soil stabilised and solidified with cement and graphene.

[Read more about Can graphene and cement stop PFAS from contaminating our environment?]

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