International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics appoints Professor Yvonne Stokes as Officer at Large

Following a vote of the Board of the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics on 26 August 2023, Professor Yvonne Stokes was appointed to the position of Officer at Large for a four-year term, commencing 1 October 2023.
Headshot of Professor Yvonne Stokes (attached) to right
The International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is a society of societies, with members from all around the world. ICIAM has member societies from all continents. The purpose of the Council is:
• to promote industrial and applied mathematics internationally;
• to promote interactions between the member societies;
• to promote the goals of these member societies;
• to coordinate planning for periodic international meetings on industrial and applied mathematics.
Professor Yvonne Stokes is an applied mathematician and Professor in the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. She develops mathematical models to bring fundamental understanding of complex processes in nature and industry. Her main research interests are in the fields of fluid mechanics and mathematical biology. Specific problems of interest include optical fibre fabrication, isolation of specific particles from others in a fluid and chemical signalling and response in tissue.