News: agriculture + Agriculture

Blasting the zombie out of water-saving tech

A 'zombie idea' is one that persists no matter how much evidence is thrown against it. Photo from iStock.

A team of scientists, including experts from the University of Adelaide, suggest that reliance on modern irrigation technologies as a water-use efficiency strategy is a ‘zombie idea’ – one that persists no matter how much evidence is thrown against it.

[Read more about Blasting the zombie out of water-saving tech]

Agriculture student’s love for Adelaide keeps growing

Chau Anh Cao - Agriculture student

International student Chau Anh Cao shares her experiences studying agricultural sciences and living in Adelaide.

[Read more about Agriculture student’s love for Adelaide keeps growing]

SA Drought Hub to expand after funding boost

Chris Preston

The South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub is being expanded following an injection of additional funding from the Australian Government.

[Read more about SA Drought Hub to expand after funding boost]

Pollen home delivery sweet for honey bees

Honey bee visits potted polliniser plant on the back of a slow moving vehicle

Scientists have teamed up with Adelaide Hills growers to improve cross-pollination in netted apple orchards.

[Read more about Pollen home delivery sweet for honey bees]

Extinction risk of native bee populations increased by bushfires

The golden-green carpenter bee (Xylocopa (Lestis) aeratus Female)-Xylocopa, is a species especially vulnerable to fire, with much of its habitat burnt during the 2019-2020 Black Summer bushfires. Image credit James Dorey.

The number of threatened Australian native bee species is expected to increase by nearly five-fold after the devastating Black Summer bushfires in 2019-20, according to new research.

[Read more about Extinction risk of native bee populations increased by bushfires]

Breakthrough AgTech to improve lamb meat quality

AgTech scanning intramuscular fat in lamb

In the sheep meat industry, the amount of intramuscular fat is a key indicator of eating quality, but can be particularly difficult to measure in lamb carcases, which are not individually graded.. until now.

[Read more about Breakthrough AgTech to improve lamb meat quality]

Regional communities take action to increase drought resilience

SA Drought Hub workshop at Roseworthy

Hundreds of South Australian primary producers, industry representatives and regional community members have had their say about their priorities for building resilience to future droughts.

[Read more about Regional communities take action to increase drought resilience]

2021 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine prize night

2021 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine prize night winners

Winners announced from the 2021 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine prize night.

[Read more about 2021 School of Agriculture, Food and Wine prize night]

Ali Gill’s unlikely journey to a hemp PhD

Ali Gill on Horizon placement at Advanta Seeds in Toowoomba

When Ali Gill enrolled in a science degree, she never thought she’d go on to pursue a PhD to determine the drought tolerance and water use efficiency of industrial hemp.

[Read more about Ali Gill’s unlikely journey to a hemp PhD]

Seeking eco-warriors to create award-winning videos

Young Scientist of the Year St Aloysius students

High school students have the opportunity to be named the University of Adelaide Young Scientist of the Year and win themselves cash prizes by making a short video about an environmental problem or solution.

[Read more about Seeking eco-warriors to create award-winning videos]

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