News: Honours Projects - Gavin Rowell
Radio Astronomy at 55 MHZ
Honours projects: Students will gain experience in radio interferometry techniques which underpin major astronomy programs in Australia such as the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
Study of Nature's Extreme Particle Accelerators at Tera-eV (10^12eV) Gamma-Ray Energies with Hess and other Telescopes
Honours projects: Opportunities to study extended sources which may include supernova remnants, pulsar nebulae, star formation regions and also mysterious unidentified sources, as well as searching for transient/bursting sources in High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS) data.
Designing the next generation CTA gamma-ray observatory with machine learning and other computational techniques

Honours projects: Gamma-ray astronomy projects which study the most energetic part of the electromagnetic spectrum and correspondingly require large telescope systems and state-of-the-art analysis techniques.