News: Honours projects - Rhiannon Schilling

Use of drones to assess the performance of wheat in sodic soils

drone over crops

Honours project: Investigate wheat growth and yield in high-sodium soils using drone-mounted imaging techniques

[Read more about Use of drones to assess the performance of wheat in sodic soils]

Identifying novel tolerance to subsoil constraints in a FIGS wheat set


Honours project: Identify wheat lines from around the world that are tolerant to subsoil challenges such as high salinity and soil pH

[Read more about Identifying novel tolerance to subsoil constraints in a FIGS wheat set]

Improving wheat yields in dispersive soils


Honours project: Examine how wheat yield can be improved by increasing tolerance to different soil constraints

[Read more about Improving wheat yields in dispersive soils]

Effect of micronutrients on the growth of wheat in sodic soils

Plant accelerator

Honours project: Examine how micronutrient interactions alter the growth and ion concentrations of wheat in sodic soils

[Read more about Effect of micronutrients on the growth of wheat in sodic soils]

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