News: physics + Physics

Shedding new light in many directions

IPAS - Professor Nigel Spooner

In a unique initiative, Defence Science and Technology and the University of Adelaide are conducting dual-use research that has found applications in defence, mining, medicine, soil forensics and archaeology.

[Read more about Shedding new light in many directions]

Trapping atoms to protect Australia’s groundwater

Researcher Dr Rohan Glover, with the Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) facility at The University of Adelaide

A unique new facility at the University of Adelaide will help protect Australia’s precious groundwater from overuse and contamination.

[Read more about Trapping atoms to protect Australia’s groundwater]

Spaghetti and mud pies scoop 3-Minute Thesis final

Sciences 3 minute thesis finals 2019 winners

The depth and diversity of research student projects in the Faculty of Sciences was once again on display at this week's final of the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition.

[Read more about Spaghetti and mud pies scoop 3-Minute Thesis final]

Adelaide scientist wins ‘bronze’ at global neurophotonics event

Mengke Han - IPAS

A project to map the hearing capability of zebrafish has won Mengke Han third prize at the global Frontiers in Neurophotonics’ summer school.

[Read more about Adelaide scientist wins ‘bronze’ at global neurophotonics event]

$35.6 million boost for sciences' research infrastructure

Plant Accelerator, Waite campus

Research for a range of industrial sectors including scientific, advanced manufacturing, defence, resources, biomedical and agriculture has received a major boost.

[Read more about $35.6 million boost for sciences' research infrastructure]

Probe detects the mechanism for spreading of metastatic cancer cells

School of Physical Sciences - Andrew Abell research lab image

A new fluorescent sensor developed by researchers from the University of Adelaide can detect migrating cancer cells and could be used to target medication to stop metastasis in aggressive cancers.

[Read more about Probe detects the mechanism for spreading of metastatic cancer cells]

Quantum sensors to make Australia safer

Professor Andrew Luiten

Researchers to work with the Defence Science and Technology Group on four ambitious quantum technology projects.

[Read more about Quantum sensors to make Australia safer]

On top of the world: Sciences research ranks high in ERA results

Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS) research using 3D printing for the Austofix wrist plate.

Science research at the University of Adelaide has reached new heights according to the 2018 Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) results released this week.

[Read more about On top of the world: Sciences research ranks high in ERA results]

Photonics & space internships await physics student

Physics student Rhona Hamilton

New Colombo Plan Scholarship recipient Rhona Hamilton has sights on her internships at the University of Tokyo and National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.

[Read more about Photonics & space internships await physics student]

Chasing clouds in Antarctica: cool stories from a physics graduate

News Tom Chambers physics

It’s a unique way to escape the heat. Physics graduate Tom Chambers spent his summer exploring clouds in Antarctica.

[Read more about Chasing clouds in Antarctica: cool stories from a physics graduate]

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