Food Chemical and Nutritional Analysis
We can perform nutritional testing for the purposes of academic research and product development.
High performance equipment
Food analysis equipment
Elementar Rapid N Exceed Nitrogen / Protein Analyser
Summary: Burns samples and measures how much nitrogen is released to assess protein content
This device determines total crude protein content of food and ingredients by combusting the sample at high temperature and measuring the released nitrogen (Dumas method). The machine is semi-automated, running up to 60 samples per batch through an automated carousel. The device can analyse both powder foods and ingredients and liquids through tin encapsulation.
Spectrophotometric nutrient assays
We have facilities to perform high-throughput testing of a wide range of nutritional compounds in food including (but not limited to):
- Total phenolic content
- Total flavonoid content
- Total tannin content
- Total carbohydrate content by anthrone
- Antioxidant capacity
- Starch content and types
- Starch digestibility
- Phytate content
Sugar analysis
We have access to two highly versatile HPLCs, the Agilent 1260 and Dionex ICS-5000, that are currently equipped to perform sugar analysis. We are able to analyse monosaccharides released from acid hydrolysis and nutritional-relevant carbohydrates like fructans and oligosaccharides.
Fat profiling and other analyses
We work closely with the Adelaide Analytical laboratory at the Waite Campus for more sophisticated nutritional testing (e.g. lipid, vitamin, and antioxidant profiling) and aroma and flavour testing (through volatile analysis). Please contact Adelaide Analytical directly. Alternatively, we can facilitate discussions as part of a food research or product development program.