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Monster black hole collision detected by scientists

Artist's impression of binary black holes about to collide by Mark Myers, ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav)

University of Adelaide scientists observe the biggest black hole merger so far detected.

[Read more about Monster black hole collision detected by scientists]

Science graduates share tales of career success in new podcast

Podcast - Sarah chats with Millie Shinkfield, Quality Assurance Assistant Mexex Food Production

Hear inspiring stories from science graduates in the University of Adelaide’s new podcast series.

[Read more about Science graduates share tales of career success in new podcast]

Investigating & exploiting triplex DNA structures in gene regulation

Tara Pukala TripleX DNA

Honours project: Explore new leads for disruption of DNA triplex structures for treatment of related human diseases.

[Read more about Investigating & exploiting triplex DNA structures in gene regulation]

Nutrient cycling and soil respiration


Honours project: Investigate how soil microbial activity and nutrient availability are influenced by changes in water content or exposure to high temperature.

[Read more about Nutrient cycling and soil respiration ]

Environmental monitoring: What is the extent of canopy dieback in a refugial forest?

Honours in Environmental monitoring: canopy dieback, Red Stringybark

Honours project: Use satellite imagery and on-ground monitoring data to map the extent of tree dieback to develop predictions and policy recommendations.

[Read more about Environmental monitoring: What is the extent of canopy dieback in a refugial forest?]

Environmental monitoring: Teasing out real biodiversity patterns from sampling biases

Honours in Environmental monitoring: Biodiversity sampling

Honours project: Identify areas of conservation priority through the development of on-ground biodiversity sampling strategies and the interpretation of ecosystem changes.

[Read more about Environmental monitoring: Teasing out real biodiversity patterns from sampling biases]

Agave spirits: Using wild yeasts to ferment fructose

Associate Professor Rachel Burton and PhD Student Kendall Corbin visiting the Agave plantation in Queensland

Honours project: Fermentation of wild yeasts to create Australia's first agave spirit.

[Read more about Agave spirits: Using wild yeasts to ferment fructose]

Disease resistance in plants: Chickpea


Honours project: Combine your passion for agriculture, plant science and bioinformatics to investigate genetic resistance to disease in chickpea.

[Read more about Disease resistance in plants: Chickpea]

Synthesis and structuralisation of Metal-organic Frameworks

Chemistry honours - Chris Sumby MOF

Honours project: This chemistry research opportunity aims to investigate the structuralisation of Metal-organic Frameworks.

[Read more about Synthesis and structuralisation of Metal-organic Frameworks]

Disease resistance in plants: Oat

Septoria Leaf Blotch in oat

Honours project: Combine your passion for agriculture, plant science and bioinformatics to investigate the genetics of septoria leaf blotch to aid the development of resistant oat varieties.

[Read more about Disease resistance in plants: Oat]