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Investigation of doppler perturbations in ground based satellite observations
Honours projects: Investigate unknown ionospheric phenomena which affect the accuracy of ground-based satellite observations.
[Read more about Investigation of doppler perturbations in ground based satellite observations]
How have coexisting bat species evolved separate niches?
Honours project: Help understand how Australian native mammals have evolved and diversified.
[Read more about How have coexisting bat species evolved separate niches?]
How do insectivorous echolocating bats use arid rangeland conservation reserves in SA?
Honours project: Help with real-world conservation work in South Australia, do fieldwork and learn new analytical skills relevant to a job in ecology.
Science awards celebrate 2021 academic, student and staff success
The recent Faculty of Sciences’ awards showcase celebrated research, teaching, leadership, professional staff and student success.
[Read more about Science awards celebrate 2021 academic, student and staff success]
2021 Teaching Commendations
These awards recognise the diverse range of activities, services and programs that contribute to student learning and engagement at the University of Adelaide. They serve to highlight the important role that staff from all areas of the University have in supporting us to achieve our strategic goals.
Australian Maths Society Awards add up
The President of the Australian Maths Society recently announced Luke and his co-authors as co-winners of the Gavin Brown Prize for their 2018 paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.
Professor Maier wins the Biennial Medal
In every odd-numbered year, to coincide with the Biennial Congress, the Society awards a limited number of Biennial Medals for 'exceptional research contributions to modelling and simulation, and for promoting the aims of the Society'.
Marathon experiment reveals quirks of quarks
University of Adelaide experts, who are part of the international community of researchers investigating the fundamental physical properties of atoms, may have come across a new paradigm for the way atomic nuclei are built.
[Read more about Marathon experiment reveals quirks of quarks]
New inexpensive method to detect lime in soil
University of Adelaide scientists have developed a new simple, inexpensive and fast method to detect and measure very low concentrations of agricultural lime in soils, which is generally a time consuming and difficult exercise.
[Read more about New inexpensive method to detect lime in soil]
Why backyard farming is the type of dirty work you want to be involved in
Is urban agriculture just a nice idea, or a plausible reality? Cosmos Magazine chats to Isobel Hume, Dr Matthias Salomon and Professor Tim Cavagnaro.
[Read more about Why backyard farming is the type of dirty work you want to be involved in]