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Where does the acid in wine come from?

Viticulture and oenology students in Waite vineyard

Honours project: Can you help find the missing link in grape berry biochemistry?

[Read more about Where does the acid in wine come from?]

Mating systems in elapid snakes

Honours project: Undertake research into mating systems in elapid snakes using captive husbandry, reproductive anatomy and genetic analyses of parentage.

[Read more about Mating systems in elapid snakes]

What is the effect of yeast diversity on secondary ‘malolactic’ fermentation outcome?

Sumby grape microbiome

Honours project: Explore the interactions encountered during winemaking by creating artificial diversity systems and investigating the effect of adding or removing yeast species has on malolactic fermentation.

[Read more about What is the effect of yeast diversity on secondary ‘malolactic’ fermentation outcome?]

Activity of novel xylanases from a new Australian crop, Plantago ovata (psyllium)

Plantago ovata (psyllium) by Stan Shebs (CC by 3.0)

Honours project: Study the biology of psyllium, a plant whose seeds are used as a key ingredient in the gluten-free food industry.

[Read more about Activity of novel xylanases from a new Australian crop, Plantago ovata (psyllium)]

Megafaunal evolution and extinction

Climate change wiped out the 'Siberian unicorn'

Honours project: Explore the evolution and extinction of megafauna such as dire wolves, mammoths and Tasmanian tigers.

[Read more about Megafaunal evolution and extinction]

Diving in the dark: Morphological diversity of subterranean beetles

subterranean beetles from the Sturt Meadows (SM) calcrete

Honours project: Explore a whole new world of living creatures below the surface of the earth.

[Read more about Diving in the dark: Morphological diversity of subterranean beetles]

Grape berry responses to extreme heat

Viticulture and Oenology students Waite campus vineyard

Honours project: Discover how the biochemistry and physiology of grape berries respond to extremely high temperatures.

[Read more about Grape berry responses to extreme heat]

Stop the spot: Almond bacterial spot disease in Australia

Almond trees

Honours project: Uncover the morphological features, genetic diversity and the host- pathogen relationship among bacteria and stone fruits.

[Read more about Stop the spot: Almond bacterial spot disease in Australia]

Slender skinks: The evolution of elongated and limbless lizard bodies

Gronovi's Dwarf Burrowing Skink (Scelotes gronovii)  Image by Marius Burger (Public Domain)

Honours project: Learn cutting-edge morphometric methods to examine the vertebral column diversity using sphenomorphine skinks.

[Read more about Slender skinks: The evolution of elongated and limbless lizard bodies]

What hare is it there? Genetic diversity of Australia’s invasive hares

Lepus europaeus by Jean-Jacques Boujot from Paris, France

Honours project: Help uncover the morphological variation that allows rapid adaptive evolution in two invasive species, the rabbit and hare.

[Read more about What hare is it there? Genetic diversity of Australia’s invasive hares]