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Stop the spot: Almond bacterial spot disease in Australia
Honours project: Uncover the morphological features, genetic diversity and the host- pathogen relationship among bacteria and stone fruits.
[Read more about Stop the spot: Almond bacterial spot disease in Australia]
Slender skinks: The evolution of elongated and limbless lizard bodies
Honours project: Learn cutting-edge morphometric methods to examine the vertebral column diversity using sphenomorphine skinks.
[Read more about Slender skinks: The evolution of elongated and limbless lizard bodies]
What hare is it there? Genetic diversity of Australia’s invasive hares
Honours project: Help uncover the morphological variation that allows rapid adaptive evolution in two invasive species, the rabbit and hare.
[Read more about What hare is it there? Genetic diversity of Australia’s invasive hares]
Muscular anatomy of rabbits and hares
Honours project: Hopping versus running - study the comparative muscular architecture and biomechanics of rabbits and hares.
Can graphene and cement stop PFAS from contaminating our environment?
Honours project: Evaluate the leaching behaviour of PFAS from contaminated soil stabilised and solidified with cement and graphene.
[Read more about Can graphene and cement stop PFAS from contaminating our environment?]
Computer Science researchers receive Google Research Scholar Program grant
Dr Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup and Dr Markus Wagner from the School of Computer Sciences have recently been awarded funds from the Google Research Scholar Program.
[Read more about Computer Science researchers receive Google Research Scholar Program grant]
Fighting fire-fighting foams: carbon materials for mitigating PFAS contamination
Honours project: Help reduce the environmental contamination caused by fire-fighting foams.
[Read more about Fighting fire-fighting foams: carbon materials for mitigating PFAS contamination]
‘Animal-stress’ signal improves plant drought resilience
Scientists discover that a gene that helps animal ‘relax’, also helps plants save water.
[Read more about ‘Animal-stress’ signal improves plant drought resilience]
Travelling scholarship available for PhD Architecture students
The Clive E Boyce Scholarship was established to fund one postgraduate scholarship in the undertaking of research activities or study-related travel by a current or commencing higher degree by research student in the School of Architecture and Built Environment. Applications close 12 April.
[Read more about Travelling scholarship available for PhD Architecture students]
Primary school sting nets new wasp species
Four primary schools in regional South Australia have discovered and named new species of wasps as part of a new citizen science project led by the University of Adelaide.
[Read more about Primary school sting nets new wasp species]