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World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development 2021
Wednesday 4 March is the first World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development. This year, we're sharing the great work engineers in ECMS are doing under the theme of: early warning and prevention.
[Read more about World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development 2021]
Scientists using online tools to track illegal wildlife
University of Adelaide researchers are using new surveillance tools to identify the illegal trade of exotic animals and plants.
[Read more about Scientists using online tools to track illegal wildlife]
Off the chart: Spatial scientists celebrate research awards
Top honours for innovative and collaborative research by two of University of Adelaide’s leading spatial scientists.
[Read more about Off the chart: Spatial scientists celebrate research awards]
Join research project discussion about healthy relationships
Looking for young people (aged 14-20) in Adelaide to tell us your views on what qualities you think are important to make all relationships happy and respectful.
[Read more about Join research project discussion about healthy relationships]
Don’t focus on genetic diversity to save our species
Scientists have challenged the common assumption that genetic diversity of a species is a key indicator of extinction risk.
[Read more about Don’t focus on genetic diversity to save our species]
Plants growing in tough soil respond to hormones, not barriers
When soil is tough and compact enough to make using a shovel difficult, roots are going to have trouble too, but not for the same reasons.
[Read more about Plants growing in tough soil respond to hormones, not barriers]
Lab2Lab grant awarded to UofA researcher
Associate Professor Mathias Baumert from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, in collaboration with Professor Hagen Malberg and Dr Martin Schmidt (Dresden), were awarded a Lab2Lab grant by the Graduate Academy of Technical University Dresden, one of Germany's top universities for engineering.
Scientists use koala teeth to map Adelaide's history
Scientists are using koala teeth to learn how Adelaide was settled by Europeans.
[Read more about Scientists use koala teeth to map Adelaide's history]
Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety
Soil experts warn of increasing human intake of cadmium due to changes in soil conditions.
[Read more about Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety]
Virtual Short-Term Exchange Programs
Although student travel won’t be possible in the second half of 2021, students can still apply for virtual short-term exchange programs happening this Winter School.