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Investigating & exploiting triplex DNA structures in gene regulation

Tara Pukala TripleX DNA

Honours project: Explore new leads for disruption of DNA triplex structures for treatment of related human diseases.

[Read more about Investigating & exploiting triplex DNA structures in gene regulation]

Nutrient cycling and soil respiration


Honours project: Investigate how soil microbial activity and nutrient availability are influenced by changes in water content or exposure to high temperature.

[Read more about Nutrient cycling and soil respiration ]

Environmental monitoring: What is the extent of canopy dieback in a refugial forest?

Honours in Environmental monitoring: canopy dieback, Red Stringybark

Honours project: Use satellite imagery and on-ground monitoring data to map the extent of tree dieback to develop predictions and policy recommendations.

[Read more about Environmental monitoring: What is the extent of canopy dieback in a refugial forest?]

Environmental monitoring: Teasing out real biodiversity patterns from sampling biases

Honours in Environmental monitoring: Biodiversity sampling

Honours project: Identify areas of conservation priority through the development of on-ground biodiversity sampling strategies and the interpretation of ecosystem changes.

[Read more about Environmental monitoring: Teasing out real biodiversity patterns from sampling biases]

Agave spirits: Using wild yeasts to ferment fructose

Associate Professor Rachel Burton and PhD Student Kendall Corbin visiting the Agave plantation in Queensland

Honours project: Fermentation of wild yeasts to create Australia's first agave spirit.

[Read more about Agave spirits: Using wild yeasts to ferment fructose]

Disease resistance in plants: Chickpea


Honours project: Combine your passion for agriculture, plant science and bioinformatics to investigate genetic resistance to disease in chickpea.

[Read more about Disease resistance in plants: Chickpea]

Synthesis and structuralisation of Metal-organic Frameworks

Chemistry honours - Chris Sumby MOF

Honours project: This chemistry research opportunity aims to investigate the structuralisation of Metal-organic Frameworks.

[Read more about Synthesis and structuralisation of Metal-organic Frameworks]

Disease resistance in plants: Oat

Septoria Leaf Blotch in oat

Honours project: Combine your passion for agriculture, plant science and bioinformatics to investigate the genetics of septoria leaf blotch to aid the development of resistant oat varieties.

[Read more about Disease resistance in plants: Oat]

Aboriginal fermentations: Discovering their chemistry and new yeast species

Tasmanian Cider gum

Honours project: Wine scientists are seeking students to work on multi-disciplinary research projects that aim to discover new yeast species and unravel the chemistry behind Aboriginal fermentations.

[Read more about Aboriginal fermentations: Discovering their chemistry and new yeast species]

Discovery of new genes that promote T cell activity against cancer

Honours Iain Comerford Fig 2a

Honours project: Help identify novel genes involved in T cell trafficking to solid tumours.

[Read more about Discovery of new genes that promote T cell activity against cancer]