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How do the public perceive climate change?

Climate change newspaper article

Honours project: Monitoring the impact of media reporting on the public attitude to climate change

[Read more about How do the public perceive climate change?]

Let's improve the way science is communicated


Honours project: Science writing - how to improve reader confidence and learning

[Read more about Let's improve the way science is communicated]

Improving wheat yields in dispersive soils


Honours project: Examine how wheat yield can be improved by increasing tolerance to different soil constraints

[Read more about Improving wheat yields in dispersive soils]

Identifying novel tolerance to subsoil constraints in a FIGS wheat set


Honours project: Identify wheat lines from around the world that are tolerant to subsoil challenges such as high salinity and soil pH

[Read more about Identifying novel tolerance to subsoil constraints in a FIGS wheat set]

Citizen Science: Using people power to drive research

Wild Orchid Watch citizen science

Honours project: What will it take to make the Wild Orchid Watch national citizen science project successful in the long term?

[Read more about Citizen Science: Using people power to drive research]

Improving plant responses to sub-optimal conditions through plant hormones

Philip Brewer

Honours project: Make fundamental discoveries about how strigolactones act to alter the growth of plant root cells or applying the latest knowledge of strigolactones to crops.

[Read more about Improving plant responses to sub-optimal conditions through plant hormones]

Communicate to collaborate: tailoring science communication within the scientific community

TERN Ecosystem Surveillance

Honours project: Investigate how to increase awareness and collaborative opportunities within the research and industry sectors for a national ecosystem monitoring program.

[Read more about Communicate to collaborate: tailoring science communication within the scientific community]

Role of an RNA m5C methyltransferase during plant reproduction

Grains for health

Honours project: Investigate the role of an RNA m5C methyltransferase during early reproductive development as mutants abort early during seed development.

[Read more about Role of an RNA m5C methyltransferase during plant reproduction]

Structural studies of cell wall proteins involved during pathogenesis

protein crystals

Honours project: Study the structure of fungal cell wall proteins using ion mobility mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography.

[Read more about Structural studies of cell wall proteins involved during pathogenesis]

Shoots or roots - which controls plant-fungal interactions?

plant roots

Honours project: Investigate the origin of signals affecting colonisation of plant roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.

[Read more about Shoots or roots - which controls plant-fungal interactions? ]

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