Sciences Alumni Network launches inaugural mentoring program
The University of Adelaide Sciences Alumni Network has launched its inaugural mentoring program, connecting early career scientists with more experienced alumni.
Carolyn McLean, Alumni Relations Officer (Sciences), says the University has a long list of science alumni who have been successful in a diverse range of professions.
“We endeavour to help connect our alumni, and in particular those less experienced, with someone more experienced to launch them on their own successful career trajectory and achieve their goals,” Carolyn says.
“Who better to learn from than someone who has stood in your very shoes!”

Despite the planned 2020 alumni events postponed so far, program mentees and mentors met ‘virtually’ in June.
“Our first cohort of mentor-mentee pairs is small but is an exciting and eager collection of scientists from all over the globe,” Carolyn says.
“We are so excited that we are able to provide this program to alumni especially during this time. We have had a great response and look forward to continuing this program next year.”

Since March 2019, the Sciences Alumni Network (SAN) has been connecting alumni from the four schools in the Faculty of Sciences. The aim of SAN is to foster interdisciplinary networking, promote peer to peer mentoring and enable opportunities for alumni professional and personal development.
SAN’s website has more information about the network and upcoming events, once these resume. If you would like more information, please contact Carolyn McLean, Alumni Relations Officers (Sciences),