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Australian Rover Challenge success

Held 27-28 March, the first ever Australian Rover Challenge gave university students' from across the country the opportunity to put their engineering skills to the test.
Muscular anatomy of rabbits and hares

Honours project: Hopping versus running - study the comparative muscular architecture and biomechanics of rabbits and hares.
Can graphene and cement stop PFAS from contaminating our environment?

Honours project: Evaluate the leaching behaviour of PFAS from contaminated soil stabilised and solidified with cement and graphene.
[Read more about Can graphene and cement stop PFAS from contaminating our environment?]
Grape berry responses to extreme heat

Honours project: Discover how the biochemistry and physiology of grape berries respond to extremely high temperatures.
Slender skinks: The evolution of elongated and limbless lizard bodies

Honours project: Learn cutting-edge morphometric methods to examine the vertebral column diversity using sphenomorphine skinks.
[Read more about Slender skinks: The evolution of elongated and limbless lizard bodies]
Stop the spot: Almond bacterial spot disease in Australia

Honours project: Uncover the morphological features, genetic diversity and the host- pathogen relationship among bacteria and stone fruits.
[Read more about Stop the spot: Almond bacterial spot disease in Australia]
Activity of novel xylanases from a new Australian crop, Plantago ovata (psyllium)

Honours project: Study the biology of psyllium, a plant whose seeds are used as a key ingredient in the gluten-free food industry.
[Read more about Activity of novel xylanases from a new Australian crop, Plantago ovata (psyllium)]
What is the effect of yeast diversity on secondary ‘malolactic’ fermentation outcome?

Honours project: Explore the interactions encountered during winemaking by creating artificial diversity systems and investigating the effect of adding or removing yeast species has on malolactic fermentation.
Where does the acid in wine come from?

Honours project: Can you help find the missing link in grape berry biochemistry?
Battleground of the grapevine: Shiraz Disease under the microscope

Honours project: Help us understand disease progression and cultivar-specific grapevine defence responses to Shiraz Disease.
[Read more about Battleground of the grapevine: Shiraz Disease under the microscope]