News: agriculture + Agriculture

Wild barley reveals drought tolerant traits that could improve elite cultivars


Scientists discover wild barley genes that could be used to improve drought tolerance in barley, the second most important cereal crop in Australia.

[Read more about Wild barley reveals drought tolerant traits that could improve elite cultivars]

On top of the world: Sciences research ranks high in ERA results

Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS) research using 3D printing for the Austofix wrist plate.

Science research at the University of Adelaide has reached new heights according to the 2018 Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) results released this week.

[Read more about On top of the world: Sciences research ranks high in ERA results]

Plant & Food Research boost at Waite campus

School of Agriculture Food and Wine

A new industry partner at Waite campus is set to boost research and innovation in South Australia’s horticulture and agri-food sectors.

[Read more about Plant & Food Research boost at Waite campus]

Scientists buzzing after new bee discoveries

Native bee - Laciniosus (Colletellus)

South Australian scientists including a bee expert from the University of Adelaide, have discovered 26 new species of native Australian bees.

[Read more about Scientists buzzing after new bee discoveries]

Plants vs ants: who will survive the climate change challenge?

Podomyrma adelaidae ant image

We are increasingly observing the impact of climate change on biodiversity, but will ants or plants win out?

[Read more about Plants vs ants: who will survive the climate change challenge?]

Plant scientists discover new complex carbohydrate in barley

Human epilepsy drugs alter signalling process in stressed plants

The first new complex carbohydrate of its kind to be discovered in barley in more than 30 years has potential applications in food, medicine and cosmetics.

[Read more about Plant scientists discover new complex carbohydrate in barley]

Medical cannabis ambitions boosted for agriculture entrepreneurs

Ben McGorm, Alex Clare and the Governor of South Australia, His Excellency The Honourable Hieu Van Le (AO, AC).

The medical innovations of two agricultural science students has resulted in eChallenge success

[Read more about Medical cannabis ambitions boosted for agriculture entrepreneurs]

Waite campus to host food science and technology summer school

Bachelor of Food and Nutrition Science students baking

An opportunity for food science, nutrition and agriculture students to learn and connect with the Australian food industry.

[Read more about Waite campus to host food science and technology summer school]

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