News: animal science + Animal Science

Hip, hip… neigh! Birthday time for the University’s oldest horses

Hip, hip… neigh! Birthday time for the University’s oldest horses at Roseworthy campus

Roseworthy campus' oldest horses turned 28 and celebrated with carrot cake, party hats and lots of friends.

[Read more about Hip, hip… neigh! Birthday time for the University’s oldest horses]

Moo-ve over methane... Scientists show we can breed cattle that produce less gassy emissions

Professor John Williams

Animal scientists have found the genetics of a cow strongly influence the composition of their gut and how much methane they produce.

[Read more about Moo-ve over methane... Scientists show we can breed cattle that produce less gassy emissions]

Disease-free locals 'koalafy' as population protectors

Koala, Cleland

Chlamydia-free koalas from Kangaroo Island may be needed to help save declining populations in other parts of Australia.

[Read more about Disease-free locals 'koalafy' as population protectors]

Why don’t horses sit or lie down even while sleeping?

Horses can rest standing up or lying down. Flickr/Cowboy Dave, CC BY-ND 2.0

Horses have a amazing ability to be able to sleep standing up. But they do also sleep lying down. If you’re a horse, you need to be able to do both.

[Read more about Why don’t horses sit or lie down even while sleeping?]

On top of the world: Sciences research ranks high in ERA results

Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS) research using 3D printing for the Austofix wrist plate.

Science research at the University of Adelaide has reached new heights according to the 2018 Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) results released this week.

[Read more about On top of the world: Sciences research ranks high in ERA results]

PhD research a global game changer for chicken breeding

Joshua Angove Gary Sansom scholarship

$35K Gary Sansom Scholarship was awarded to Joshua Angove for his research on the influence of the maternal environment on how meat chickens grow.

[Read more about PhD research a global game changer for chicken breeding]

Crowdfunding campaign launched to help save Tassie devil

Tassie Devil

New research could help save the Tasmanian devil from the deadly disease that's wiping out their population

[Read more about Crowdfunding campaign launched to help save Tassie devil]

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