News: Food Science
Working with plants can help you both to grow

Professor Rachel Burton has always loved plants, but it took her a while to be immersed in them properly.
[Read more about Working with plants can help you both to grow]
New research puts bugs to the taste test

New research to develop more accurate and consumer friendly descriptions for one of the most sustainable and high protein food sources on the planet, edible insects.
Why backyard farming is the type of dirty work you want to be involved in

Is urban agriculture just a nice idea, or a plausible reality? Cosmos Magazine chats to Isobel Hume, Dr Matthias Salomon and Professor Tim Cavagnaro.
[Read more about Why backyard farming is the type of dirty work you want to be involved in]
A new dawn in plant breeding: Australian Plant Breeding Academy

The University of Adelaide’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine is partnering with Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd (AGT) on a new academy to take Australia’s plant breeding into the future.
[Read more about A new dawn in plant breeding: Australian Plant Breeding Academy]
What do astronauts eat?

But what are the challenges of growing plants in space? And how could we develop crops to support long-term space habitation?
Plant-based food the flavour of new research facility

A new international food flavour facility will launch at Waite campus to improve the taste of sustainable, healthy, plant-based food and ingredients.
[Read more about Plant-based food the flavour of new research facility]
Pollen home delivery sweet for honey bees

Scientists have teamed up with Adelaide Hills growers to improve cross-pollination in netted apple orchards.
Ali Gill’s unlikely journey to a hemp PhD

When Ali Gill enrolled in a science degree, she never thought she’d go on to pursue a PhD to determine the drought tolerance and water use efficiency of industrial hemp.
Durum breeding program to grow with Australian Grain Technologies

Durum Breeding Australia has announced that Australian Grain Technologies Pty Ltd has been awarded the licence to take the durum breeding program forward.
[Read more about Durum breeding program to grow with Australian Grain Technologies]
How is drought affecting cereal plants such as wheat and barley?

Scientists have summarised seven years of research published in more than 20 international journals, on the effect of drought on cereal plants.
[Read more about How is drought affecting cereal plants such as wheat and barley?]