SAGI Project
Statistics for the Australian Grains Industry – Southern region
Statistics for the Australian Grains Industry (SAGI) program is a strategic GRDC research investment, recognising the important role of statistics in advancing grains research outcomes. SAGI-STH is the southern node of this large national program. The objectives within SAGI-STH’s purview are to increase the statistical capacity in the southern grains growing region of Australia, while advancing research project outcomes from both regional and national GRDC-funded ventures. These objectives are being realised through the delivery of tailored statistical training programs, research mentoring, and advice for regional agronomists and research suppliers working on GRDC projects. Equally importantly, SAGI-STH provides core statistical expertise in the collaborative research with GRDC contracted researchers and statisticians.
The SAGI-STH project closely collaborates with the Western and Northern SAGI regional nodes at Curtin University and DAFW QLD Toowoomba (Western and Northern) and the SAGI National node at the University of Wollongong through training and research initiatives as well as collaborative projects.
At the following link, you can find a list of currently supported SAGI Projects
SAGI-STH Training Program
SAGI-STH Community of Practice Webinars
Those who have completed the SAGI-STH Training program are invited to take part in monthly Community of Practice Webinars, to further develop skills taught in the program, and discuss issues applying methods to actual research data provided by participants. For past webinars, please contact
SAGI-STH Internship Program
SAGI-STH Software Solutions