News: computer and mathematical sciences

Sponsorship Contract: Addressing the Challenge of the Digital Technologies Curriculum (Years 7 & 8)

CSER have paired up with Digital Careers and Google in a sponsorship agreement to fund the development of a MOOC designed to support teachers of years 7 & 8 in implementing the new Digital Technologies Curriculum, building on our previous work in developing the CSER MOOC for Foundation-6.

[Read more about Sponsorship Contract: Addressing the Challenge of the Digital Technologies Curriculum (Years 7 & 8)]

Research Contract: Building Digital Technologies Capacity

CSER are continuing their collaborative relationship with Google Australia and New Zealand in a research contract to develop further MOOC support for Australian primary school teachers for Foundation-6.

[Read more about Research Contract: Building Digital Technologies Capacity]

Research Grant: Addressing the Challenges of the Digital Technologies Curriculum

The Addressing the Challenges of the Digital Technologies Curriculum research project will assist teachers in primary and secondary schools to meet the challenges introduced by the new Australian National Curriculum Digital Technologies curriculum.

[Read more about Research Grant: Addressing the Challenges of the Digital Technologies Curriculum]

Ace 2014: The Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum: Challenge and Opportunity

The ACE conference is a fantastic conference for sharing ideas with our local CS education community. I always learn so much when I attend, and so I am particularly pleased that our paper on the new Digital Technology curriculum in Australian has been accepted for the upcoming conference in Auckland next year.

[Read more about Ace 2014: The Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum: Challenge and Opportunity]

Koli Calling: Papers Accepted!

CSER are off to Finland! We are very excited to have had two papers accepted for the Koli Calling conference later this year. Koli Calling is one of the highest quality conferences in the area of CS education research, with a strong emphasis on rigorous education research methods. It will be a fantastic opportunity to present our work, and discuss further ideas and projects.

[Read more about Koli Calling: Papers Accepted!]

OLT Grant: An Evidenced-Based Approach to the Design and Redevelopment of Inclusive Online Learning Environments

CSER researchers have been involved in the successful award of $211,000 in OLT funding, to investigate An Evidenced-Based Approach to the Design and Redevelopment of Inclusive, Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments.

[Read more about OLT Grant: An Evidenced-Based Approach to the Design and Redevelopment of Inclusive Online Learning Environments]

Research Contract Exploring Digital Inclusion for Indigenous Australians

The CSER group is working with a team from across the University of Adelaide and the University of Canberra on a research contract with the Telstra Foundation exploring digital inclusion for Indigenous Australians, led by Professor Lester-Irabinna Rigney from the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Research Contract Exploring Digital Inclusion for Indigenous Australians]

Computer Science Education: Structuring and Supporting “Contributing Student Pedagogy”

We’ve been working for a number of years in how you can use collaborative learning in computer science courses, particularly introductory programming courses.

[Read more about Computer Science Education: Structuring and Supporting “Contributing Student Pedagogy”]

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