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Welcome to sciences: Online information session

Hub Central, North Terrace campus mezzanine

Hear from student about the opportunities and experiences they’ve had while studying science. Chat to staff about securing the offer you want and what to do before uni starts.

[Read more about Welcome to sciences: Online information session]

Earth Sciences Seminars - 2022

A summary of seminars and events hosted by the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Earth Sciences Seminars - 2022]

Chemistry Seminars - 2022


A summary of seminars and events hosted by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Chemistry Seminars - 2022]

Physics Seminars - 2022

A summary of seminars and events hosted by the Department of Physics at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about Physics Seminars - 2022]

Global Megatrends in Sustainable Food and Fibre Production - Study Australia Masterclass

Andy Lowe - Study Australia Masterclass

This Study Australia Masterclass featuring Professor Andy Lowe explores potential sustainable and technological solutions to solving some of the world's most pressing global resource, production and landscape sustainability challenges.

[Read more about Global Megatrends in Sustainable Food and Fibre Production - Study Australia Masterclass]

Differential Geometry Seminars 2022

Visitors of the Institute for Geometry and its Applications and researchers from the School of Mathematical Sciences present cutting-edge research in geometry and other areas of pure mathematics.

[Read more about Differential Geometry Seminars 2022]

School of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium 2022

All seminars will be held on a Friday, starting at 2:10 pm. The talks will be in Engineering North N132 and over Zoom.

[Read more about School of Mathematical Sciences Colloquium 2022]

Animal and Veterinary Science Information Sessions

Students animal handling, Roseworthy campus

Become inspired to launch your career in animal and veterinary sciences.

[Read more about Animal and Veterinary Science Information Sessions]

MPhil and PhD online information session

As you complete an Honours or Masters degree, are you considering further study at University?

[Read more about MPhil and PhD online information session]

Hydrogen Storage and Production Conference 2022

A global hydrogen energy market has spurred the rapidly evolving field of underground hydrogen gas storage, production, and utilisation.

[Read more about Hydrogen Storage and Production Conference 2022]

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