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Restoring grassy woodlands: interaction between native & invasive grasses

Woodland vegatation image, Greg Guerin

Honours project: Contribute to research into various strategies to restore grassy woodland.

[Read more about Restoring grassy woodlands: interaction between native & invasive grasses]

Viable, but non-culturable bacteria: Understanding the risks for food safety

Salmonella species growing on X.L.D. agar Nathan Reading [CC BY-NC-ND 2.0]

Honours project: This project aims to determine the ability of viable but non culturable bacteria to cause disease.

[Read more about Viable, but non-culturable bacteria: Understanding the risks for food safety]

Isolation & evaluation of protein pattern of koala retroviruses

Koala, Cleland

Honours project: Determine the antigenic pattern of isolated Koala retroviruses in South Australia.

[Read more about Isolation & evaluation of protein pattern of koala retroviruses]

Full genome sequencing of recombinant strains of canine hepatitis

DNA sequencing

Honours project: Full genome sequencing will be performed to find the genomic structure of a new infectious canine hepatitis virus.

[Read more about Full genome sequencing of recombinant strains of canine hepatitis]

Australian zeolite for ammonia control in aquarium fish tanks


Honours project: Study the effects of 'in water and 'in feed' application of zeolite powder for the control of ammonia in aquarium fish display tanks.

[Read more about Australian zeolite for ammonia control in aquarium fish tanks]

Exploring the interactions between Salmonella and Campylobacter species

Campylobacter - CDC [Public domain]

Honours project: Characterise both intra- and intercellular interactions between Salmonella and Campylobacter.

[Read more about Exploring the interactions between Salmonella and Campylobacter species]

Chironomids in extreme environments

non biting midge

Honours project: Non-biting midges (Chironomidae) are very similar to mosquitoes, and are masters at survival.

[Read more about Chironomids in extreme environments]

Water quality – denitrification & nutrient loads

Honours project: How does tap water with added chlorine impact our stomach?

[Read more about Water quality – denitrification & nutrient loads]

Early animal evolution: evidence from the Ediacaran & Cambrian

Honours project: Palaeontology meets biology and evolution. Explore animals from early in time.

[Read more about Early animal evolution: evidence from the Ediacaran & Cambrian]

Marine & freshwater ecology & fish biology

Marine biology

Honours project: Contribute to research in freshwater, estuarine and marine waters focusing on fish, cephalopods and environmental issues.

[Read more about Marine & freshwater ecology & fish biology]