News: School of Agriculture Food and Wine

Success for sciences in industry-linked ARC grants

Associate Professor Rachel Burton and PhD Student Kendall Corbin visiting the Agave plantation in Queensland

The University of Adelaide has been awarded more than $3.6 million in industry-linked grants by the Australian Research Council (ARC) for important research that will attract a further $1.8 million in support from industry.

[Read more about Success for sciences in industry-linked ARC grants]

More than enough yard to have your lawn and eat too

Backyard in Adelaide's south west showing you can have a lawn and grow your own self-sufficient vegetable supply too.

Adelaide residents would only need to give up a small area of their lawn to grow enough vegetables to become self-sufficient.

[Read more about More than enough yard to have your lawn and eat too]

Plants growing in tough soil respond to hormones, not barriers

Roseworthy wheat crop

When soil is tough and compact enough to make using a shovel difficult, roots are going to have trouble too, but not for the same reasons.

[Read more about Plants growing in tough soil respond to hormones, not barriers]

Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety

Tractor spreading fertiliser - by Mark Robinson (CC BY 2.0)

Soil experts warn of increasing human intake of cadmium due to changes in soil conditions.

[Read more about Further action on cadmium needed for global food safety]

Uni of Adelaide experts recognised for science excellence

SA Science Awards - Erinn Fagan-Jeffries

University of Adelaide scientists recognised at the SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards.

[Read more about Uni of Adelaide experts recognised for science excellence]

Science awards celebrate academic, student and staff success

Science awards 2020 Linda Armbrecht

The recent Faculty of Sciences’ awards showcase celebrated research, teaching, leadership, professional staff and student success.

[Read more about Science awards celebrate academic, student and staff success]

Vietnamese science student helping international arrivals thrive in Adelaide

Hien Minh (Jean) Vu - Plant Production Innovation student

International students are adapting to life at the University of Adelaide with the support of dedicated science student Hien Minh Vu.

[Read more about Vietnamese science student helping international arrivals thrive in Adelaide]

New wheat and barley genomes will help feed the world

Ken Chalmers wheat

Scientists have unlocked new genetic variation in wheat and barley – a major boost for the global effort in breeding higher-yielding varieties. 

[Read more about New wheat and barley genomes will help feed the world]

$7m boost for sciences research

Researcher photo Linda Armbrecht

ARC Discovery projects showcase the dynamic breadth of sciences research at the University of Adelaide.

[Read more about $7m boost for sciences research]

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